One Youth Project of Dr. Sun Miao Approved

Publish Time:2021-03-20 Author:Liang Hanping Views:34

Recently, the declaration and review of social science planning research projects in Shandong Province for the year 2021 ended, and 678 projects were finally approved after online anonymous preliminary review by subject experts, independent review by conference review team, democratic discussion, voting and ideological review, among which 7 projects of UPC were approved. The Comparative Study on Energy Discourse and Policies in Russian-speaking SCO Countries declared by Dr. Sun Miao of the School of Foreign Studies was approved as a youth project.

In this project, by building a multimodal corpus of energy discourse in the Russian-speaking SCO countries, the author analyzes the country-specific differences in the content of energy discourse in terms of superficial language forms, the transmutation of specific energy themes and their causes in the Russian-speaking SCO countries, the tendencies of energy policies in these countries and the energy aspirations and claims of different discourse subjects.

Brief introduction of Dr. Sun Miao: After graduating from Kazan Federal University in Russia in 2016, he has worked in the School, mainly engages in the research of Russian word formation, industrial language and functional semantics, undertakes 3 research projects at the departmental level and 1 teaching reform project, publishes 14 high-level academic papers such as SSCI and is responsible for the teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Russian.