Dr. Jiang Xunlu Addresses Soviet-Russian Drama at a Seminar

Publish Time:2018-12-14 Author: Views:31

From October 27 to 28, 2018, an academic seminar entitled Russian and Soviet Literary Classics and Its Acceptance in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Context: Discussion on Soviet-Russian Tradition was held atthe Party School of CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) in Beijing. Dr.JiangXunlu of our College presentedhis paper titledThe Soviet-Russian Festival Performance in 1918-1920: Drama as a Public Ceremony.

This seminar is also the annual meeting of a research group from the Institute of Foreign Literature,CASS, whose study centers around the Peak of Russian Literature and the Formation of Soviet Literature. Chinese youth scholars in the relevant fields of Soviet-Russian literature were invited to conduct exchanges over the research orientation and progress of the project.

Experts and scholars from the China Academy of Arts, People's Literature Publishing House, Peking University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the editorial department of Foreign Literature Research attended the meeting.


TranslatorsXu Baohua, Yuyang, Gewen

Proofreader: Xu Baohua

Tutor: Xu Baohua